A network printer is a term given to a printer that is shared by several computers across a common internet connection. Every computer that is connected to the network can access the printer and give the command to print. Network printing saves money and space. If you are on a shared internet connection and want to add a network printer to your computer, you can do so easily with a few
* 1: Select the "Start" menu from the lower-left corner of your computer's desktop.
* 2: Select "Control Panel" from the menu.
* 3: Double-click on the "Printers and Faxes" folder in the "Control Panel" window.
* 4: Choose "Add a Printer" from the left side of the open window and then select "Create a New Port."
* 5: Select "Standard TCP/IP Port" from the drop-down menu and enter the IP address for the network printer. If you have already installed the network printer, this is the address assigned to the printer during the first installation. If you are connecting to a network printer in a business, ask the IT department for the IP address.
* 6: Click "Next" and select the make and model of the printer.
* 7: Select "Finish" to complete the installation process.
Read more: http://www.ehow.com/how_6085411_install-network-printer-laptop.html#ixzz1XATpmFnP
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